Saturday 22 February 2014

Do's and Don'ts On Tour Bus

Safety of the passengers is of outmost importance. It is a good practice to ensure that all vehicles that we travel in are equipped with safety apparatus. More so, as tourist guide where our job is functionally not only to ensure that the tourists enjoy their stay in Malaysia, but to ensure that they enjoyed it safely.
To ensure that the tourists are safe while travelling around Malaysia, we must ensure that the environments we are in are far from danger, risk or injury. We could also use devises or apparatus which are designed to prevent accidents. Should accidents occurred, we have to ensure that we have the necessary safety equipment to handle the situation.

So, it is very important for a tourist guide to explain all the Do’s and Don’ts to the tourist when they board the bus and to adhere all the Do’s and Don’ts while seated inside the bus.

Online Check In

Online check in is the process in which passengers confirm their presence on a flight via the internet and typically print their own boarding passes. Depending on the carrier and the specific flight, passengers may also enter details such as meal options and baggage quantities, and selection of meals. Typically, web based check in for airline travel is offered on the airline’s website not earlier than 24 hours before a flight schedule departure or 7 days for internet check in assistant. In order to meet this demand, some sites have offered travellers the ability to request an airline check in prior to the 24 hour window and receive airline boarding passes by email when available from the airline.

Handling Luggage In Hassle Free Manner

A tourist guide must always be pro-active. For example to ensure the luggage are handled in hassle free manner while departure for the airport, he/she must look upon a few things regarding on departure procedures and kept in some important information that might be useful to the tourists.
The procedures are :
i.                     Passports
ii.                   Air tickets
iii.                  Visa/permits
iv.                 Embark or disembarkation cards
And the information that might be useful for the tourists are:
i.                     Luggage size and weight specifications
ii.                   Restricted and prohibited items
iii.                  Custom procedures
iv.                 Courier/shipping arrangement

As different airlines has their own specifications on luggage allowance, it is advisable a tourist guide keep to himself the baggage allowance permitted by some various airlines. For example Air France and British Airways are quite varies for their carry on luggage weight, 12kg for Air France and only 6kg for British Airways. A proper list for all different airlines information on carry on luggage and baggage allowance will be useful and handy for a sufficient tour guide. A simple air travel tip is to speak to an authority beforehand at the airport regarding the airline specification to avoid embarrassments later.

Boarding Check In At Airport

During the boarding check in, guides have to ensure that our guests must have the following documents to ensure a hassle free check in procedure :
i.                     Passports
ii.                   Air tickets
iii.                  Visa/permits
iv.                 Embark or disembarkation cards
Check in is usually the first procedure for a passenger when arriving at an airport, as airline regulations requires passengers to check in by certain times prior to the departure of a flight. This durations spans from 30mins to 4 hours depending on the destination and airline. The airline check in main function, however is to accept luggage that is to go in the aircraft’s cargo hold.
Passenger Identity Registration – At the time of check in the agent primary duty is to check for valid documents. This include tickets, invitation letters, passport, visas, etc. depending on the type of visit, the arrival and destination of the trip.
Baggage Restriction – At the time of check in, the passengers hands over baggage which is checked by the airport security and sealed. Anything that is above the weight limit or which is not allowed to be carried is usually handed over to the agent at the time of check in.
Sitting Registration – Usually at the time of check in, an option of selecting the seats is offered. The agent may ask if a window or aisle seat is wanted.

 To ensure it’s a hassle free check in, guides must always advice the tourists to follow all the procedures as guidelines.

Passenger Safety

Safety of the passengers is of outmost importance. It is a good practice to ensure that all vehicles that we travel in are equipped with safety apparatus. More so, as tourist guide where our job is functionally not only to ensure that the tourists enjoy their stay in Malaysia, but to ensure that they enjoyed it safely.
To ensure that the tourists are safe while travelling around Malaysia, we must ensure that the environments we are in are far from danger, risk or injury. We could also use devises or apparatus which are designed to prevent accidents. Should accidents occurred, we have to ensure that we have the necessary safety equipment to handle the situation.
To ensure safety while travelling in a tour transport, we have to emphasise the following:
·         Ensure that all passengers fasten their seatbelts – either in buses, vans or limousines
·         Ensure that all doors are properly locked while inside the vehicle
·         Ensure that no child is allowed to be running along the corridor of the bus, or jumping in the rear of the vehicle
·         Ensure that the vehicle must come to a complete halt before disembarking.
Safety apparatus basically refers to equipment that are utilized to ensure that passengers travelling inside a vehicle are safe and comfortable. Safety apparatus includes the following:
a.       Seat belts
b.      Child seats
c.       Seats can be adjusted to a comfortable position
d.      First aid box
e.      Back support for tour guides in coaches

Safety always comes first. Never compromise.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Destinasi Pendidikan-Malaysia Tetap Pesaing Utama

We are a group of graduates who have gone through the process and ...
Kemampuan Malaysia boleh diukur dengan melihat kepada tiga aspek utama iaitu politik,ekonomi dan sosio-budaya. Kestabilan ketiga-tiga aspek ini akan memberi peluang yang cerah kepada Malaysia untuk menjadi pilihan destinasi pendidikan.
Dari segi politik, kestabilan yang dinikmati sejak Merdeka menjadikan negara ini antara negara yang paling selamat untuk didiami dan dilawati. Walaupun kadangkala terdapat kacau bilau dan himpunan haram di ibu negara dan beberapa tempat lain namun ianya lebih bersifat setempat dan tidak mendatangkan mudarat yang besar selain kesesakan lalulintas yang teruk. Namun begitu sebagai negara yang mengamalkan demokrasi  berparlimen,kita seharusnya faham bahawa prinsip tersebut mestilah ditaati dan keharmonian negara mestilah diutamakan. Jika tidak kestabilan politik negara akan terganggu dan menjadikan ia satu halangan sebagai pilihan destinasi pendidikan.
Ekonomi negara adalah antara yang terbaik dan mapan jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara Asia Tenggara yang lain kecuali Singapura. Namun dengan keluasan Malaysia yang lebih besar dan sikap yang lebih toleransi boleh menjadikan negara ini pilihan yang lebih baik dari Singapura.
Sosio-budaya Malaysia amat unik sekali dan sentiasa menjadi daya tarikan orang dari luar. Dengan lebih 150 etnik di negara ini, Malaysia boleh berbangga dengan keharmonian dan persefahaman yang telah ditunjukkan sejak zaman  datuk nenek moyang dahulu lagi hinggalah ke hari ini. Ini ditambah dengan sikap ramah mesra rakyat Malaysia kepada siapa sahaja tetamu yang datang ke negara ini.

Oleh itu tidak mustahil Malaysia akan menjadi salah satu destinasi terpenting bagi tujuan pendidikan.

Malaysia Hijau dan Bersih

Konsep 1Malaysia Hijau dan Bersih adalah satu konsep untuk mengekalkan negara ini sentiasa bersih dan hijau supaya pelancong-pelancong dari luar merasa suka untuk datang mengunjungi Malaysia. Di samping itu ia akan menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang sihat untuk didiami dan dilawati.
Adalah amat penting bagi kita semua mengekalkan kebersihan di semua tempat terutama di semua lokasi menarik yang dikunjungi pelancong. Ianya adalah untuk generasi yang akan datang yang akan mewarisi negara ini dari kita. Oleh itu sebagai rakyat Malaysia kita mestilah Berfikir dan Bertindak dari sekarang (Think Tourism and Act Tourism).
Antara aktiviti yang boleh menjayakan kempen ini adalah dengan menggalakkan penanaman pokok di setiap homestay,rumah-rumah kediaman dan juga di taman-taman. Elakkan dari membuat penebangan dan memusnahkan hutan.
Kawasan-kawasan bandar dan pusat membeli belah khususnya mestilah memastikan kawasan sekitar dan bangunan mereka sentiasa bersih dan cantik. Pertandingan kebersihan dan kecantikan boleh dianjurkan untuk menjayakan kempen ini.

Seluruh warga juga mesti mengamalkan budaya kitar semula dan hanya menggunakan beg palstik yang bio-degradable untuk membuang sampah. Ini untuk mengelakkan lambakan sampah yang tidak terurai yang menyumbang kepada bau busuk dan keracunan pada system air bawah tanah.