Saturday 22 February 2014

Passenger Safety

Safety of the passengers is of outmost importance. It is a good practice to ensure that all vehicles that we travel in are equipped with safety apparatus. More so, as tourist guide where our job is functionally not only to ensure that the tourists enjoy their stay in Malaysia, but to ensure that they enjoyed it safely.
To ensure that the tourists are safe while travelling around Malaysia, we must ensure that the environments we are in are far from danger, risk or injury. We could also use devises or apparatus which are designed to prevent accidents. Should accidents occurred, we have to ensure that we have the necessary safety equipment to handle the situation.
To ensure safety while travelling in a tour transport, we have to emphasise the following:
·         Ensure that all passengers fasten their seatbelts – either in buses, vans or limousines
·         Ensure that all doors are properly locked while inside the vehicle
·         Ensure that no child is allowed to be running along the corridor of the bus, or jumping in the rear of the vehicle
·         Ensure that the vehicle must come to a complete halt before disembarking.
Safety apparatus basically refers to equipment that are utilized to ensure that passengers travelling inside a vehicle are safe and comfortable. Safety apparatus includes the following:
a.       Seat belts
b.      Child seats
c.       Seats can be adjusted to a comfortable position
d.      First aid box
e.      Back support for tour guides in coaches

Safety always comes first. Never compromise.

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